Visions | Teen Ink


September 1, 2014
By goutongyang BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
goutongyang BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are my creator, but I am your master-obey!

My name is Cathy, age 14, and I can see the future. Perhaps it is because of my storm gray eyes, or maybe it is because my grandmother saw frightening visions before she died. I have frightening visions too.  I can’t control what I see or when I see it. It usually happens when I am dreaming. There are good things and bad things. I’ve seen things that happened soon after I dreamt it. Those dreams I tell people about, and they always come true. I’ve been given awards for helping the police solve crimes and stop robberies.  That’s why people call me Cathy the dreamer. But there are other visions, so terrifying that they could kill. Those visions haunt me. There is nothing I can do to stop what will happen.

 Visions of a dying world, where fire slowly consumes the land and water is so scarce that men, women, even children are killed just for a sip of the magic liquid. I told myself it couldn’t be earth until I saw the people, starved and dying. Little more than skeletons, they wonder the earth, robbed of hope, joy and love. Animals have died out, devoured long ago, their left over bones drifting through the wind. Dragons now rule the air, feeding on humans foolish enough to walk during the day. Vegetation as food is no longer an option. The carbon monoxide filled atmosphere caused all plants to mutate into poisonous death bringers. Hunger has driven people to eat their own family. Death and sickness ravages the land. Medicine is all but gone. A common cold can once again kill you.    

                However, there is hope. I see a boy, who shall save our planet. He will find the secret to saving mankind. I sense that this boy will not be human. Form another planet or perhaps from another time, he alone shall conquer the dragon king. He will rally the humans and together, they will rebuild our world. But there is also a danger. Someone he trusts will seek to betray him. If the traitor succeeds in murdering the chosen one, then all is lost. Our world shall crumble into nothing and nothing will survive. Even the dragons will be helpless. All shall perish. Nothing will escape death.

                Many years have passed. I am old now. I’ve lived a long and fruitful life. I have had many more dreams of this desolate future. Never have I told anyone about these visions, not my husband, not my kids, not even my grandchildren. My entire life, I have kept this secret hidden. Perhaps there will one day be another one who can see the future, someone who lives when the end happens. Perhaps they will be able to warn others of this. But no matter what humans do, they will not be able to avoid the inevitable. The best they can do is to prepare for the end of all as we know it. The only thing I regret is not being able to stop it. Being able to see the future does not allow me to change it

Now, as I lay here on my deathbed, I have one final vision. The world is saved. Plants once again cover the earth. Water is plentiful and joy is everywhere. Animals bound through the land, caught in the happiness. Dragons no longer prey on humans. There is plenty to eat. Poverty and starvation no longer exists. Everything is in harmony. The chosen one has won. He has saved the world. I feel my body getting lighter and lighter. I leave this life with a smile on my face.

The author's comments:

I was reading about the prophecies of Nostradamus and wanted to write something about telling the future.

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