The Originals Part III | Teen Ink

The Originals Part III

January 18, 2010
By Anonymous

As Simon was coming back into the house, his mother stopped him by standing in front of the doorway. “Hi mom! You’ll never believe what me and Jamie just…” Simon started excitedly, but he stopped when he saw that his mother was clearly not happy.

“Of course, you and Jamie, there have been a lot of you and Jamie lately. I think a little too much. I have been doing some researching, and found this doctor that I want you to see tomorrow. He is specialized in getting rid of imaginary friends, and he said he is successful ninety-eight percent of the time. I think it would be really good for you.”

Simon looked at his mom, astonished; “No” he said simply, “You’re not taking away Jamie.”

“The doctor said he usually likes to only work with cooperative children who want their imaginary friends to go away because it makes his job a lot easier. However, I convinced him to take you. This is a really good opportunity for you to finally grow up, and you’ll thank me once you’re older. I’m not giving you a choice.” When she finished she quickly walked away giving him no time to argue.

Simon ran up to his room and slammed the door as loud as he could, and then collapsed onto his bed crying. Jamie was his best and only friend, and after today he seemed more real than ever. He sat up and looked around the room, wishing Jamie would appear. He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he wanted to at least warn Jamie of what might happen. Staying up almost all night, Simon waited for Jamie to appear, but he never did.


Raindrops splashed against the dirty window as Simon awoke the next morning to find that he had fallen asleep at some point. Footsteps echoed outside his door, and his mother entered, carefully closing the door behind her. She smiled at him compassionately, and apologetic, “I know you don’t want to do this, and I’m really sorry sweetie, but it won’t be that bad, I promise.”
Simon reluctantly got into the car, and they drove down the rocky street. Rocking up and down after each bump, Simon stared mindlessly at the droplets rolling down the window. After pulling into the parking lot, and getting out of the car, Simon and his mother walked into a brightly colored room that greatly contrasted the dull atmosphere outside. The walls were white, but were dotted with numerous colorful pictures and other decorations that made the room inviting. Many of the pictures were photographs of children smiling and laughing, with their mouths spread open wider than natural. Orange polka-dot chairs were lined up against the wall, and were half filled by parents and children who were very entertained by the pictures on the wall. Simon’s mother signed in at the desk and then they went through a door leaving the rest of the children still waiting.
Faces of the exuberant children stared down at Simon from the wall as they walked down a winding hallway passing doors painted every color of the rainbow along the way. Simon’s mother kept looking at a sheet she had been given and then up at the doors trying to find the right one. Finally Mrs. Button stopped at a yellow door and cautiously opened it.
A man sat on the other side of the room tinkering with a small machine with his back facing Simon and his mother. When he heard them come in he shouted for them to wait one minute as he finished what he was doing. He then spun around in his chair to face them. His sandy brown hair faced every different direction possible, and seemed as though he hadn’t brushed it in years. A pair of perfectly round glasses sat upon his nose, and enlarged his eyes to an abnormal size. He wore a set of dark purple scrubs, and a lopsided grin appeared on his face as he greeted them, “Hello! You must be Simon.” His large eyes switched from Simon to his mother, “I prefer to work alone with the children if you don’t mind; It’s never really clear how long this process will take, but I’ll call you in a couple hours to inform you of how things are going.”
“Ok,” Mrs. Button agreed, much to the dismay of Simon. He looked at his mother in shock wondering how she was just going to leave him alone with this strange man for such a long time. “Dr. Applebom is a very well respected doctor, Simon, he’s just here to help you,” She assured him, and then placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before saying goodbye.

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