the secet proposal | Teen Ink

the secet proposal

February 10, 2012
By alexandra gill BRONZE, West Allis, Wisconsin
alexandra gill BRONZE, West Allis, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Adam, Look at all this snow, it’s a winter wonderland filled with adventure.”
“Claire It’s nothing more than a world filled with dead trees and plants covered in a blanket of white to cover up the dreaded winter.”
“Adam, stop being in a bad mood Christmas is only 2 days away and look at all the red and green decorations there beautiful.”
Adam-“It’s only decorated like this because were in downtown Milwaukee, there known for this stuff.”
Claire- “Come on I have a gift for you it’s just around the corner.”
Adam- “Fine…. but I’ll show you there’s nothing great about nature during the winter the world is just a block of ice waiting to be un-thawed.”
Claire- “I’ll make you have some Christmas spirit yet, Adam, no boyfriend of mine is going to be a scrooge this close to Christmas.”
Adam-“Fine, but just know Christmas has never been good for me, you know that. Every year Christmas comes to be the worst holiday. Mom and Dad fighting, my brothers fighting, it just never put me in a very Christmassy mood. And it’s the same time of the year my parents split up 10 years ago.”
Claire- “But you have me this year, so I’ll make sure you have a great Christmas.”
Claire-“Look at all the pine trees there filled with white lights and covered in snow.”
Adam-“I don’t know what to say…..this is the prettiest park I have ever seen.”
Claire- “no it’s beautiful.”
Adam- “No you’re beautiful. But this is just a park that is showing me that winter isn’t all gloomy, it’s not nearly as beautiful as you.”
Adam-“yes, and since this is your favorite time of the year I want to ask you something that I have been waiting to do a very long time.”
Claire- “Adam what are you doing you’re getting your knees all wet. Huh!!! The answers yes now stand up before you get sick.”
Adam- “Claire I want to do this right now let me start again. Claire I know we haven’t been dating very long but I know I don’t want to spend a single day without you. You make me a better person by just being you. I love you so so much and would be honored if you would be my wife.”
Claire- “Yes Adam I feel the same way now kiss me you idiot.”
Adam-“you’re my Christmas miracle and I’m an idiot but I’m you’re idiot.”
Claire-“yes you are now kiss me.”

The author's comments:
Is everything meant to be keept a secret.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 20 2012 at 9:53 am
Tongue_Blep PLATINUM, ????, Ohio
40 articles 1 photo 769 comments
This was sooo cute! Great job! :)(: