Run Run VERY fast Fanfiction (One Direction) | Teen Ink

Run Run VERY fast Fanfiction (One Direction)

May 15, 2016
By Hope4TheBest SILVER, Williamsburg, Pennsylvania
Hope4TheBest SILVER, Williamsburg, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Push will get a person almost anywhere except through a door marked ''Pull''

She looked both ways before running across the street in a hurry. She was terrified for her life, she knew someone was following her. Only two more blocks Sarah she said to herself in her mind.
She looked up at the sky and saw the dark storm clouds hovering over her head. She looks around her surroundings and realizes the wind is blowing faster and she can hear footsteps behind her.
I better keep moving she thinks.
She starts to run again, faster then ever and as she starts to run faster the footsteps behind her run faster as well.
An arm reaches out to grab her and she screeches in disdain.
The arm was rotted and green, she took a knife and stabbed the arm and started to run away but not before hearing the ugly, disgusting persons gargle and groans.
One Block Left she thinks to herself. Gotta run Gotta run fast.
She runs and she comes across and intersection. Just right around the corner Sarah. She starts to heard footsteps behind her again but this time it’s more than one person it’s more like four footsteps.
She reaches her doorway and opens the door that she left unlocked. She ran inside and locked the door shut.
Someone poked her from behind She jumped startled.
It was Harry, Niall, Liam, And Louis.
She started to back away but they were walking forward.
‘’Calm down, Love we’re Just trying to help’’ Harry says.
‘’ Yeah we’re trying to help come sit down and let us talk about it and explain to you’’ Niall said.
Then They All Spoke.
‘’We’re The Four from Four years Forward.’’
    What the Hell Does that mean.. Where’s Zayn? She thinks to herself
She started to back away but they were walking forward.
‘’Calm down, Love we’re Just trying to help’’ Harry says.
‘’ Yeah we’re trying to help come sit down and let us talk about it and explain to you’’ Niall said.
Then They All Spoke.
‘’We’re The Four from Four years Forward.’’
    What the Hell Does that mean.. Where’s Zayn? She thinks to herself.  Then Everything goes black and all she sees is spots that start to form into something else..

The author's comments:

I've always seen people do Fanfictions of One Direction as them like monsters or being the first luckiest person too meet them and they fall in love with them.

Well in this They're Heros but they need Sarah's Help.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 16 2018 at 2:07 pm
WolfWhisperer0911 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 623 comments
@Hope4TheBest Interesting story, I'm not a big fan of One Direction, but this is a decent fanfiction story.