Time Stopper | Teen Ink

Time Stopper

March 5, 2014
By tinyteenie2 GOLD, Alliance, Ohio
tinyteenie2 GOLD, Alliance, Ohio
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Two days before would have been a normal school day, except I had a strange dream of my kitten Smokey telling me I had the ability to stop time.When I awoke, it was supper time. Smokey was meowing and rubbing against my leg, telling me to pet him, but when I reached my hand out to do so he tried to nibble on my finger. However, I was expecting this, and quickly moved my hand out of the way. When I walked downstairs for supper, my grandmother told me I had mail, and she pointed to a small box placed down on my spot at the dinner table. I slowly walked over to my spot at the dinner table, staring at the small brown box with my name on it. I decided to open it before eating my supper, and inside was a new pocket watch, styled like the golden snitch from Harry Potter. A note rested inside which read, “ Do not set my time, unless it is how long you wish for it to be stopped.”
I glanced at the pocket watch, confused by the note that shared no’s container. I shrugged my shoulders and put the pocket watch in my jeans pocket. My grandmother asked me, “ What is it?” I took out the pocket watch and showed it to her and everyone else. The next question is the one that was bothering me; “Who mailed it to you?” I answered that I had no idea. At 10p.m. I decided to try the watch by setting it for 7 hours on alarm like the note suggested; however, I noticed writing on the back of the note it said, “ You can only use my skill three times, then I am only a normal pocket watch”. I looked around me after being oblivious from reading the note. Nothing was moving. I glanced at my clock and saw that time indeed had stopped. It was blissful sitting in a completely quiet room, able to move around at my own pace with no noise whatsoever. With this peace and quiet, I sat down and began to do my school work at my own pace with no worries. Once I finished my school work, I looked at the watch and sighed noticing I still had 5 hours left until time returned to normal.
I decided to go to sleep, and once I awoke everything was back to normal time, plus I had slept for 10 hours which made me feel refreshed but also gave me a splitting migraine. I needed to be at school in less than two hours and had to wake my sister up. I got up and changed into school clothes, then attempted to wake my sister. Once we both were up and stirring, we began walking to school; it was chilly out and dark. Soon we came to our meeting spot with our two friends who normally walk with us. When we reached the school I decided to ask my friends and sister if they wanted to see something “cool.” They slowly nodded. Then I took out the pocket watch and set it to two hours. Time stopped, with my friends and sister staring at the watch in amazement. I took a deep breath when we all walked into the school building and waited for the bell to ring.
Once time returned to normal, we walked to our classes, but when I walked to my second class, the pocket watch was taken out of my pocket when I wasn’t looking, and I turned around to get it back. But the thief turned the watch to a time I could not see, and everything stopped. Even I stopped. It was like blacking out for several hours from an injury. Once time resumed, the thief and the pocket watch were gone however. Now the thief cannot use it to stop time because, that was the final use.

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