abbiemarie | Teen Ink


Cincinnati, Ohio
Member for 14 years


My name is Abbie and i am 15 years old young,gotten my heart broken more times than i would like to admit to, writing, is my escape.

Books: perfect
Music: rise aginst, silverstien, green day, ice nine kills
TV Shows: family guy, the simpsons, south park

abbiemarie BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

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By abbiemarie BRONZE
Cincinnati, Ohio
abbiemarie BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...