CS:GO Counter Strike Global Offensive | Teen Ink

CS:GO Counter Strike Global Offensive

September 30, 2015
By vSynk BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
vSynk BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

 CS: GO also knows as counterstrike global offensive is a great game in general. It is a very popular game even though it is 3 years old. It has one of the highest viewing rates on twitch (just under League of legends). It is a 5v5 competitive bomb scenario game. There is counter terrorists and terrorists. The Terrorists job is to plant the bomb one of the bomb sites and the counter terrorist’s job is to defend the bomb site. The game consists of 30 rounds, a tie is 15 15 but the first one to 16 wins the game. There is a ranking system in Counter Strike Global Offensive. Silver 1-5, Gold nova 1-4, Master guardian 1-2, Master guardian elite, Designated master guardian, Legendary eagle, Legendary Eagle Master (My rank), Supreme Master First class, then finally the highest rank The Global Elite.


The general game is fun, I have played semi-professional in cs: go for about half a year for giving up pro play after my team disbanded. We won a total of 500$ in a online tournament in the spring split in 2014. If we would have won the groups we would have been flown out to Vancouver and done a lan tournament there. People also play the game for a more profitable reason, you can buy skins for your weapon, and you can trade them up for a better value of a skin and so on.

For counter terrorists there is different roles that you can play Awper (role I play) is the sniper on the team, rifle which is just a person who uses a m4a1 or m4a4, support flasher and grenade (role I play) And for the terrorists there is rifler, awper, entry fragger ( role I play ) you are the first one to go into the entrance to the bombsite . The main goal of entry fragger is to try to kill as many people defending the bomb site so the rest of your team can go and plant the bomb with the least casualties as you can.

Every day there is about 400000 people online searching for games so you can understand how big the game is. There is many maps on the game like dust II is the most popular because of the easy play stile and rotations. As soon as you start the game on either side you get 800$ to start off with. Winning the pistol round is the big thing because it allows you to be able to upgrade your weapons before the enemy team can.

  I would rate this game 9/10

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on Oct. 5 2015 at 12:24 pm
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
So fire review, might burn this site down.