Soul Food Soundtrack | Teen Ink

Soul Food Soundtrack MAG

By Anonymous

   For an exceptional CD, you should purchase the "Soul Food" soundtrack. Not only does this CD include slow jams sung by hot new artists, but it also has fast beat songs. You don't have to have seen the movie to enjoy the soundtrack, you just need taste for different varities of music. I would recommend this CD for anyone who likes some easy listening and occasionally a song you can tap your feet to.

The CD includes songs from Blackstreet, En Vogue, Milestone, Monica & Usher, Outlast, Tony Toni Toni and songs by platinum gold artists including Boyz II Men, Puff Daddy, Total and Exscape. A good percentage of the songs are (or were) number one hits.

After hearing about this great CD, you should run to the nearest store and purchase it. Believe me, you won't regret it. Most likely you'll end up convincing your friends to get it, or be careful, they might ask to borrow yours. Yikes! Who can live without their "Soul Food" soundtrack? Not me! .

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i love this so much!