The Hiding Plave | Teen Ink

The Hiding Plave

May 5, 2013
By hanhan BRONZE, Groe, Oklahoma
hanhan BRONZE, Groe, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Nazi Germans invaded the Netherlands and were “clearing” out the Jews. Some people decided to hide and smuggle Jews and other non-Jews decided not to. The German soldiers occupied the area monitoring to make sure no one did work in the underground.

The people who decided to not follow the state law, but a higher law are the most noble. I would most definitely do my best to hide and protect the Jews because they are human and deserve not to be alienated. I would, even knowing the repercussions like the Ten Boom family and many others.

The Ten Boom family did knowing what could happen to them and quite frankly did happen. Mr. Ten boom told a Nazi that offered form to stay at home if he would not cause anymore trouble. Mr. Ten Boom replied with a power no saying that he would keep his door open to anyone who knocked. In the prison camp hope was spread through faith with the presence of the Ten Boom family that repeatedly said “God always has a plan.” That statement hits it hard because that family invested their lives into his word and suffered for it, but in the end is free in various ways.

“A mouse in the cookie jar does not necessarily mean he is a cookie.” This is how Mr. Ten Boom explains the Christian religion and explains to his daughters why their pastor is not getting involved in saving humans lives. This is a blatant example of selflessness.

The Ten Booms and a lot of other families in my opinion did the right thing in helping and saving people’s lives in the holocaust and this movie is just a perfect example of this. It puts you in what a family that did something felt like; the anxiety, the emotion, and the heart break. Not only that, but the hope they spread throughout the camps and faith; the fear of not dying. They power that these people showed was remarkable for being “powerless” people.

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