Rocket Boys | Teen Ink

Rocket Boys

October 23, 2014
By Anonymous

My Book Review
Book title and author: Rocket Boys and Homer Hickam
Title of review: My Book Review
Number of stars (1 to 5): 1
Our class is reading a book called Rocket Boys. A lot of people in my class like the book but very few dislike. I’m one person that didn’t really enjoy the book. There are many reasons why I’m not fond of the book. I will be telling a lot of the reasons why I don’t like the book later on in the summary.
Description and summary of content
This book is about four kids who have a Dream of launching rocket in space! It all begins when Homer Hickam aka (Sonny) watched a Russian satellite fly across the night sky. They ended up making a lot of rockets. Many rocket failed, and few succeeded!
In my opinion the book isn’t my favorite book. I mean it isn’t the worst book I’ve ever read but I don’t really like the book. The main reason is that there isn’t much action in the book. There is a little bit of suspense but not enough for me.  And there isn’t much violence in the book! I like more of war or violence books.
In conclusion, if you like a good book with a lot of science in it. It’s a good book to maybe read with a family or something but not for violent readers. It has a lot of stuff to do with science and math. There is a few good violent parts but not enough for me.

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