The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein | Teen Ink

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

April 27, 2012
By JessicaQ PLATINUM, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Other
JessicaQ PLATINUM, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Other
23 articles 5 photos 28 comments

"The Giving Tree" is a touching narrative poem by the legendary writer, Shel Silverstein.

"The Giving Tree" is an amazing poem about the loving connection between a boy and a tree. The tree was like a provider for the boy and gave him everything he ever needed to stay happy. But as the boy grew older, he grew more greedy and kept asking for more and more things. But whenever he asked for something, the tree always gave it to him since she was only happy whenever the boy was.

On the surface, many people may think this is just another simple children's poem about a kid who talks to a tree, but it isn't. If you dig down deeper, the poem has much more potential. In general, the whole poem seems like a giant metaphor since the Giving Tree was just like a mother to the little boy throughout his whole entire life. The tree loved the boy, just as a mother would. She provided the greedy child with everything he needed like branches for him to build a home, her trunk for him to build a boat, apples for him to eat, and vines for him to swing from. The tree showed a very unselfish love towards the boy and made so many sacrifices, but he just took everything for granted.

"The Giving Tree" is such an amazing and touching portrayal of a mother and child. This poem tells how mother's will give up anything to make their child happy, but all the child does is take it all and run away. Shel did a great job emphasizing the fact that the person who gives is much more happy than the person who receives, since the boy never stayed happy for long whenever he received from the tree.

This narrative was really well written. It contains so many poetic elements that you can completely feel the same emotions as the tree and the boy. A poetic element used was personification since the tree was able to talk, give things to the boy, and feel different emotions.

Overall, "The Giving Tree is such a worthy poem that everyone should read, especially children. Once you read it, you will finally understand all that your mother has sacrificed to give you a better life.


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