The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

March 21, 2012
By Anonymous

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is the most entertaining, intense, and incredible book you will ever read. There’s action, suspense and maybe a little drama. This book will keep you turning pages until the very last one. However, I don’t recommend this book to anyone. I would say it’s for ages 10 and up. There is a lot of violence that younger children won’t like. Other than that, this is an AMAZING book with a strong message. If you like it as much as I do there are two others in this exhilarating series! Don’t miss the opportunity; pick up a copy of The Hunger Games at your local library or book store!

In the intense book, The Hunger Games, Katniss was chosen to be a tribute in a fight to the death called the hunger games. Twenty-four tributes, or people, are chosen in total. Katniss and a boy, Peeta, are selected from district twelve. Katniss is told to pretend to fall in love with Peeta, however she has feelings for someone else. When they need each other to survive, will they both come out alive? There’s only one way to find out… The Hunger Games is a suspenseful book that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Have you ever heard the song “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson? Well the chorus to this song gives you the message for The Hunger Games. The words are, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” If you don’t get killed in the hunger games then you come out alive as a stronger and more confident person. In most situations, you may not look stronger, but on the inside you feel like you could conquer anything. By surviving, you’re a different person. Therefore, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is the perfect message for The Hunger Games.

Suzanne Collins writing style is not very unique, but it fits nicely in this particular book. The Hunger Games is split into a few different sections to tell the reader what is happening in the book. For example; the section just before the games start is called, “The Games.” It helped me understand the book a little better. This was one of the MANY things I enjoyed about this book. I also liked the characters and their different emotions. The one thing I don’t like about this five star book was that the end was a bit predictable. Other than that, every other part of the book is exceptional!

If you like fiction books, The Hunger Games should be first on your list! It is definitely a book you won’t want as your role model because of all the violence and blood. The Hunger Games is a phenomenal book you can’t put down. If this book is one at the top of your list, hurry up and get that book! There are two more to read and a movie! This is the best fiction book ever so get reading! Don’t forget the other two books; Catching Fire and Mocking Jay

All in all, The Hunger Games is an extremely intense and exciting book. I would recommend this to anyone ages ten and up. Suzanne Collins has a best seller on her hands! It may seem a little realistic, but it’s a fiction novel in a series of three. This will be one of the best books you will ever wrap your hands around! I guarantee it! So stop reading this and get up to buy this book!

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