Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles | Teen Ink

Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

November 28, 2011
By JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Suess
"Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass." - French Proverb
"Live, Love, Laugh" - Unknown

Oh. My. God.

Do you know what I got last night? Yes, you read right... Chain Reaction! I just know you are all dying to read the review so... READ ON!

When I first started reading this book it drug on and on and on and on until it got to the middle and everything picked up because that is when EVERYTHING happened. Well OK, maybe I am over exaggerating. Not EVERYTHING happened, but the majority of it did! The good stuff comes like a couple of chapters toward the end. This book has some twists and turns I never saw coming. For real, some crazy stuff happens in the book. Am I going to tell you? Of course not. Anyhow, we really see Luis grow up in the book. The main reason he grows up a lot is because he is forced to face facts of stuff in his past the his mother kept hidden from him. Mostly because Chuy, you know the leader of the LB in, like, the first two books, puts his meddling self where it doesn't belong A.K.A. Luis's life.

Then we have the other side which is Nikki Cruz which is kind of, sort of already in Luis's life to begin with, but they get reunited about two years down the road. I am not going to tell you how they know each other because, honestly, that is giving to much away. Nikki is a very, how you say, closed off to the world, but she wasn't always this way. We find out in the first few chapters of the book that something happened to her that deeply affected her. For real... If that would have happened to me... I don't even know. I don't even want to think about what I would do! It wouldn't be good though I can tell you that. If Luis is a man now than she definitley is an "old woman" by the last few chapters.

If you loved Perfect Chemistry and Rules of Attraction than you are sure to fall in love with this book too! So go buy it right now! :)

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