Gulliver'''s Travels | Teen Ink

Gulliver'''s Travels

December 8, 2009
By Reader23 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
Reader23 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The author, Jonathan Swift, used a fifteenth to sixteenth century English through out the book, Gulliver's Travels. The dialect slightly varied from country to country, but they had the same base dialect. In the story the thoughts portrayed the dialect in the book. The dialect consisted of word choice. Swift gave Lemuel Gulliver a very large sense of self-righteousness. Gulliver would remain very polite through out the story and he was very proper through actions and thoughts. His first voyage was to Lilliput.

Lilliput had a different dialect in the fifteenth to sixteenth century English because Gulliver was a giant in the land. He wished he wasn't though when he first awoke in Lilliput territory. He woke up tied down by ropes and surrounded by many soldiers and a few that were climbing on him like it says on pg. 8. Soon he gained more freedom and became trusted by the king and given high ranks. This changed the type of thinking from when he first came upon Lilliput. The inhabitants of Lilliput are the opposite in the country of Brobdingnag.

Brobdingnag had inhabitants that were sixty feet tall giants from Gulliver's perspective. He is first found in a field this time and seemed a little timid at first when he saw the giants like on pg. 80, but he progresses his dialect back into his normal way of thinking. In this country Gulliver gave the king as much information about England has he could. He thought that he was describing England as a dream country, but he was surprised to see disgust on the king's face especially at the mention of gunpowder. He then realized some of the faults of England. This marked the beginning of the change in Gulliver's thoughts concerning England. This voyage included just on country unlike his next voyage.

On his next voyage he visited multiple countries and saw various styles of government. He also kept realizing the defects of English rule. The different countries had different dialects as well, Laputa had a clear, polite, and smooth dialect as it is states on pg. 160. In Balinibarbi they spoke the same language as Laputa but Gulliver's thoughts were more refined to how the people around him spoke the language. The countries he visited so far had the intelligent species, which differs with his next voyage.

On his last voyage he visited the country of Houyhnhnm where the intelligent species closely resembled our horses. The human-like species were more apish and spoke with grunts and roars. Gulliver had more frightened thoughts when first confronted with the species. Gulliver noticed the horses used actions to convey thoughts. And example of this is on pg. 235 when the horse gave a sign to go in first. He also has different thoughts and actions when he becomes a slave like most of the human-like creatures. His master is a horse, which gives him different thoughts than that of someone with a human for a master. Gulliver changes quite a bit if you compare the beginning to the end of the story.

Gulliver goes through a variety of changes through the story. His opinion of English rule, slavery, size, and wars are warped by his experiences from each journey. His dialect from his thoughts changed as well. I think that Gulliver's Travels is and enchanting story that captivated the reader's attention through various plot's and details.


This article has 1 comment.

srilaya63 said...
on Jan. 3 2010 at 12:04 pm
reading this review was very helpful in understanding how the dialect contributes to the overall story.