The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd | Teen Ink

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

November 9, 2009
By run295 SILVER, Katonah, New York
run295 SILVER, Katonah, New York
5 articles 5 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it is about learning to dance in the rain

“On leaving the old nest, the swarm normally flies only a few meters and settles. Scout bees look for a suitable place to start the new colony. Eventually, one location wins favor and the whole swarm takes to the air.” – Bees of the World, Pg 34(quote used in book not written by Sue Monk Kidd).
Lily Owens is a teenager growing up in 1964 with her cruel, and abusive father, who blames Lily for her mother’s death. The only person Lily really loves is her black “stand in mother” or fierce-hearted nanny, Rosaline. When Rosaline is thrown in jail for insulting three and the deepest racists in town, Lily finds a way to set Rosaline free and they run away together. They stumble upon a town called Tiburon in South Carolina, a place holding secrets of her mother’s past. Three black bee-keeping sisters, May, June and August Boatwright, take Lily and Rosaline into their pink home. Lily lies about her name and background, but when her mother’s past falls right into her hands and she wants to know more, Lily has a choice to make. She can either tell the truth and learn more about her mother, or keep her secret to stay in a place she would be proud to call home.
Lily grows to love and adore the three Boatwright sisters and Rosaline as if they were her mothers. In this inspiring best selling novel by Sue Monk Kidd, Lily is introduced into the world of bee keeping and honey, discovering love, passion and strength in female bonding. Does Lily tell eventually tell the truth? Did she in fact accidently kill her mother? Does she stay in the hive with the Boatwrights forever or does she fly back to her old hive?
The Secret Life of Bees is one of my favorite books of all time for its captivating story line, and amazing female characters. It is an incredible journey of following, watching, and going through the pain and joy of the remarkable protagonist, Lily Owens. If you enjoy a spectacular story line, and do not mind laughing and getting tears in your eyes from time to time, this book is for you! I give this book a definite five stars out of five!

The author's comments:
I loved everything about this book. The story, images, lessons and especially the characters!


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