The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson | Teen Ink

The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson

May 20, 2019
By Anonymous

In today’s teenage society, many kids are looking for a way to escape. They want their one day of freedom to just let go. The one day where it may feel as though everything around them is falling apart, but, for that one day, it eventually all fits into one perfect puzzle. The book, The Miles Between, by Mary E. Pearson, gives all us want-to-be rebel teenagers just that. From the beginning, I instantly became attached to Destiny, which ironically goes against her number one rule: don’t get attached. She used to things around her changing a lot, after being abandoned by her family at such a young age. She’s grown accustomed to hide her feelings, which most young teenagers can relate to in some way.

As we move through the novel, the day of October 19, which is supposed to hold some magical curse against Destiny, unravels in amazing details for readers. We get to watch Destiny open herself up to the three classmates who join her on the adventure to the city Destiny should know best, Langdon. This is the place that holds the deepest secret Destiny has refused to share with anyone. I personally never expected what that secret was, finding out what happened had me crying for hours. The book is so well written, I was expecting the total opposite outcome, but Pearson is known for some of the most outrageous twists and turns in her novels.

Saying a book is their favorite after reading it is such a cliché, but I have to sat, this book may just be my favorite novel. It’s relatable, it’s intriguing, and it pulls at all the right heart strings. I picked the book up at my school library for a school assignment, and I honestly could not put it back down until I was finished. The Miles Between is everything I ever wanted in a book and some.

The author's comments:

You won't be disappointed in this read.

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