A Cornfield Misadventure | Teen Ink

A Cornfield Misadventure

October 26, 2011
By Wrinkles SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Wrinkles SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paige describes the her first car crash in “A Cornfield Misadventure.” While in the countryside with her family, Paige and her cousin Franny were rushing to drop off something at a neighbor’s house. Paige was driving on the country back roads, but she was used to the roads of the big city. Her car was soon fishtailing across the road and into a cornfield beside the road. At first Franny and Paige were scared, but they soon found the whole situation hilarious once they realized that they were unharmed.
I remember listening to my mom telling me about her first car crash. She did the exact same thing as Paige; she crashed into a bean field on a random country road. Both stories were very funny until I got my license. I always thought that driving would be a piece of cake, and then I started driving and realized that it is harder than it seems. I am lucky to not have been in a crash, but my friends have. Those crashes were not serious, like Paige’s, and most of them turned out to be pretty funny. My best friend showed up to my house one day looking very sad and proceeded to inform me that he drove his car into the ditch by his house because he forgot to straighten the wheel. Just that is funny enough, but then when he blamed it on a cat that magically disappeared after he landed in a ditch, I lost it. Paige makes a good point that even a scary and possibly dangerous situation can turn out hilarious, as long as everyone stays safe.

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