"Industrail Revelations Review" | Teen Ink

"Industrail Revelations Review"

February 25, 2010
By ilacookies BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ilacookies BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I enjoyed Coy Truman’s poem “industrial Revelations”. He captured the problem of technology and fame, that it not only pollutes the environment but it also pollutes our minds. And that it not only makes the earth filthy but brings up filthy people.

The lines:
Your 15 minutes are up and you’re forgotten,
Treated like a god until you are dead and rotten.

Is a great line that emphasizes how fast our society moves on to the next big thing. And how everyone has a 15 minutes of fame and is then forgotten.

In the lines:

All the fancy people have filthy reputations,

All the filthy people have fancy aspirations,

Shows how all the people our society holds so high, all the celebrities and richy riches, are truly filthy people with nothing but greed in mind.

This was a beautiful poem. Coy Truman used reputation and rhyme to illustrate what our society has to.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 13 2010 at 11:43 pm
Thank you, I'm really glad you liked my poem :)