My School Uniform Review | Teen Ink

My School Uniform Review

October 24, 2019
By bur146 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
bur146 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “My School Uniform” written by an anonymous girl, talks about how she feels shamed everyday by a harsh dress code at her all-girls school. The article left me feeling empowered to speak out and express who you are. I know what it like when the author writes, “I am tired of being told that my skirt is too short or that my socks are not the right color.” I used to go to a private school when I was younger, and I remember that if it was too cold I had to wear pants, and I wore pants, I had to remember my thick black belt engraved with the school’s logo. If I did forget, I would receive a “lunch with teacher,” and the teacher would list why I must dress appropriate especially while in classes with boys. It honestly was annoying because it was just a belt, and just like when the author writes, “I am tired of teachers being more worried about my uniform than they are about my education,” every night I would come home and immediately change because I had felt unsuccessful on learning something while also feeling shamed about myself. Every person deserves the right to express themselves and I believe women should speak up more often on this issue.

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