Mosaic | Teen Ink


May 10, 2017
By MarykathrynWalt BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
MarykathrynWalt BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ponder the pieces of this broken life;
so nothing
yet everything.
Life must be broken
to be glued together.
Malevolent cycle of humanity,
Irrelevant pedal of insanity
creation of new things
Imitation is made game.
People do the same.
Some choose to break;
some choose to create.
While many tend to fixate
on what makes them appeased,
they lose sight of what true beauty means.
Piece by piece
the image forms,
creating something more beautiful
than it was before.
Yet often,
the pieces left shattered
are deemed without matter.
Scatter into oblivion
with not one left
to reconfigure them.
Left untouched,
in fear of being cut.
Pitied for their plight
until they’re out of sight.
Ideas redesigned
Placed into picture
like a mallet to glass,
pen to paper
the true shape of beauty
is not in favor.
A mosaic you might ask,
well here's the story
of how the beauty of brokenness turns into glory.

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