A Sonnet to Star Wars | Teen Ink

A Sonnet to Star Wars

March 16, 2016
By ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Vader walks with an evil demise
to destroy the galaxy and find his son,
but few know: it’s just a disguise
and he truly cares about everyone.

Once a Jedi, always a Jedi;
the Force never quite goes away.
The Dark Side beckons and pries,
yet Vader defends ‘til this very day.

A dying wish for a fateful father:
to be accepted - to be good -
his wish granted by none other
than a forgiving son who would.

A love of Vader and Luke, a love of father and son,
Shows the world that it’s never too late - never too late for anyone.

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