My War | Teen Ink

My War

August 28, 2015
By Spryte BRONZE, Bradley, Oklahoma
Spryte BRONZE, Bradley, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The past and the future are not the same but they are not completely different - Kuroko Tetsuya

I'm so alone please, someone come save me

From this Everlasting, consuming night

Is this darkness the only thing I'll see?

I'll never stop struggling for the light

I've been here so long that it's all I know

Insanity is coursing through my veins

It attacks me constantly blow by blow

The darkness helps it, My sanity wanes

I'm weakening against it, please stop it

Slowly, so slowly, I'm losing the War

Consuming me so slowly, bit by bit

Why is my sanity locked in drawer

I'm done fighting this War, just let it end

The nightmare is begininng around the bend.

The author's comments:

This is about the fight that everyone goes through and they're at the point that they are finished fighting.

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