Impasse or End? | Teen Ink

Impasse or End?

June 23, 2015
By SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
SharpShot214 SILVER, Dinuba, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know". -Michel Legrand

You think it'll get better?

No! You'll be here forever!

You think it will be okay?

Well, certainly not today!

In fact, It will never be that way.

You Always say what you need to say.

But no one wants to hear the truth all day!

So they push it away.

Your life becomes dull and gray.

And your life is such a small price to pay...


You fool, I'll teach you what to do!

You want to know how to make it better?!

Next time she tries to kill you

You go ahead and let her.

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