Happily Ever After | Teen Ink

Happily Ever After

May 19, 2015
By Anne Kim BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
Anne Kim BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He stopped her before she could even jump.
All of her thoughts swarming, drowning her head.
“Why stop me?” she asked and sat in a slump.
“If you go, then I’ll be the next seen dead.”

She pecked him on the cheek and walked away.
He grasped her tightly, to never let go.
She held on to him, to forever stay.
“Never shall we part, my beautiful beau.”

Her brown milky hair, whipped in the cold wind.
His gentle, brown eyes staring viciously.
Her pink, beautiful lips, full, as she grinned.
His deep laughter bellowed delightfully.

The waves crashed against the rocks down the shore.
He came closer to her, with a last sniff
of the light, sweet scent that she always wore.
And on that mark, he pushed her off the cliff.

The author's comments:

I sat down, with nothing to write. As I picked up my pencil I chose to write about a common topic: love. However, I wanted to make mine unique, with a bit of a twist. From the intensity of this poem, I hope people will have learned a valuable lesson.

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