Clinging to Conformity | Teen Ink

Clinging to Conformity

May 19, 2015
By tiaras06655 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
tiaras06655 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should one never want to expand their mind,
or venture out of comforted shelter?
There are those who are ignorant and blind,
flat, uninteresting; without texture.
They seek uniformity as it brings
a sense of closure and safety to them.
They welcome newcomers under their wings
but those who seek uniqueness they condemn.
Contrast scares those used to consistency,
but progress will be found within difference.
Is it better to have equality?
Or will distinction bring more brilliance?

The closed-minded will stick to their flock, so
they won’t be out-witted by variant foe.

The author's comments:

I wrote this during Creative Writing class. We were given a paper full of questions that we were supposed to answer in a sonnet and the question. Which is better, equality or difference? was my question to answer, and I wrote this sonnet based on that question.

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