Battle for Independence | Teen Ink

Battle for Independence

April 27, 2015
By Ian Hamilton BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Ian Hamilton BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was constant fighting across the fields
So many men running through the short grass
Yankees fell down like knights without their shields
The battle raged as many long days passed

The sun rose on the fourteenth day of war
The camps awoke to a blinding white snow
And wind that chilled the men down to the core
Redcoats broke camp ready to fight the foe

The British cut through the lines like a sword
Yankees went down by the dozens that day
As they were no match for the British horde
The Yankees had become King George’s prey

But the Rebels rallied with a fierce cry
Taking and winning all but the blue sky

The author's comments:

I am interested in the colonial era of America so I decided to write a sonnet about the revolutionary war

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