Loving distantly | Teen Ink

Loving distantly

April 15, 2015
By Annek BRONZE, Adelaide, Arkansas
Annek BRONZE, Adelaide, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives"- anonymous

You casted a stupid spell on me,
You were my everything and I was me,
But then... you changed me completely,
But I still held onto you discreetly,
You pretended to comfort my cries,
But everything was a fake lullaby,
As the sun became the moon,
You moved on and you were my doom,
Our destiny together was meant to last,
But thank God you were my last,
Go... and woo another girl,
Make her your new TinkleBell
I am sitting here crying,
And you're having a great time smiling.

The author's comments:

A love that was meant to last which left me a broken heart. True love waits nd naive love certainly last. Don't be fooled by boys and let yourself fool them!

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