After You Were Gone | Teen Ink

After You Were Gone

March 26, 2015
By 2elle2 BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
2elle2 BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How often I dwell on our memories
in my locked heart, and away I've thrown the key
Your radiant gaze whispered stories
of ambition, passion, all else not known to me.

The corners of your cherry lips curled up high
like the illuminating crescent of our moon
I wondered what was hiding behind those eyes
that twinkled and sang a fair tune.

But now I indulge in reminiscence
of what could have become real
what were troubles then seem eternal blessings
but now all dreams behind my lips are sealed.

If only I had known the cruel price of lies
I wouldn't need dreams to bid you good-bye...

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