Fisher's Island | Teen Ink

Fisher's Island

February 26, 2015
By NantucketPalmer123 BRONZE, Guilford, Connecticut
NantucketPalmer123 BRONZE, Guilford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everday Should Feel This Good"- Vineyard Vines

A faraway island of beauty and wonder;

One with seashells and sand

Fish swimming so deep under

An ocean so blue and so grand.

A place where happy can always be found;

Where one can find peace and some rest.

Good people are always around,

And the beaches are always the best.

The land that's far out in the sea;

Surrounded by water as blue as the sky.

Everyday, in comes the big white ferry,

The birds flying up over high

Days consist of water and beaches, ends with a big orange swirl;

As the sun sets so beautifully at the edge of the marvelous world. 

The author's comments:

This  poem is about the love of an island 

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