In the Silence | Teen Ink

In the Silence

February 2, 2015
By Tyshawn GOLD, New Jersey, New Jersey
Tyshawn GOLD, New Jersey, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its power of acting and reasoning as fear."
-Edmund Burke

The stillness of the icy frigid night
There is a peace in the warm yet cold air
Darkness surrounds all I see is moonlight
I’m searching and looking, nobodies here
In my mind the sound echoes from the walls
It’s quiet can’t even hear my heart beat
Yet I can hear Kobe bouncing a ball
Can’t even hear, the footsteps of my feet
So quiet I can’t even hear me think
Covered in silence’s blanket I sleep
So quiet my body begins to sink
I lay my head on a pillow so deep
So quiet I cannot hear my own breath
In the silence, I can’t hear my own death

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