Finding the words in the picture | Teen Ink

Finding the words in the picture

December 10, 2014
By Kaily Selph BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Kaily Selph BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Finding the words in the picture.

My teacher always says ‘a picture shows one thousand words’
As I look at a picture drawn by a student
All I see is a red brick school
That for one doesn't even look like a school
But I don’t see one thousand words
Does that mean i’m stupid or have no imagination.

I look and I look, but where are these words?
I see what looks like different crayons and a really small ‘school’
I am now just confused, so I ask again
Where are these words, the one thousand words.

Look deeper I was told
but it’s just a school, but clipboard size, so I start to question myself
Maybe I can’t see the words because I can’t draw
Maybe because I don’t like to draw
So because of this I can’t see the words right.

What do they even mean when they say there’s one thousand words?
Is every inch, every color outside the line really letters that make up words?
or is it like a scavenger hunt and the words are hidden
All I see is this red school, and I sigh and think
no words… no words… no freaking words
Am I just slower, or… no i just don’t get it.

All I see is what was drawn, ink
But then my teacher told me it’s okay
It doesn't mean i’m stupid or have no imagination
she spoke to me as if reading Cat in the Hat
She said ‘it just means you’re human and have flaws’
I just need help.. and that's not bad

I can’t be ashamed nor sad
The words are to make you think about what’s happening
All I was doing was thinking too hard about it
But my teacher didn't mind because I didn't give up, and I kept thinking
She called me preserver oh no here comes more thinking. 

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on Dec. 18 2014 at 11:55 am
TheComet PLATINUM, Mostaganem, Other
22 articles 1 photo 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret" -Ambrose Bierce
" Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken ;)"
"Don't go where the path leads you. Go instead where there's no path and leave a trail ;)"-R.W.Emerson

WoW This is so beautiful... We all feel this way from time to time. I love the way you described every single thought you were having, so beautifully as well. What hit my heart so deeply was certainly when you said:" It' just means you're human and have flaws" That was like a wake up call for me! It is so true and deep, it's not just about the drawing or finding the thousand words, it's actually about a lot more than that. It kind of reflects some moments we all go through like frustration, feeling stupid or worthless in everything about this strange life. That's exactly how I felt rteading your poem. It was marvellous! Please continue and never stop writing. You are truly gifted ^_^ 5 starred it already :D Thank you so much for sharing this.