Love. | Teen Ink


October 6, 2014
By Tiff14 BRONZE, Mentor, Ohio
Tiff14 BRONZE, Mentor, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

What is the meaning of eternal love?
Its finding the beauty in every glance,
With more magnificence than Heaven above.
It’s defining every day as great romance.
It’s a spark ignited by a soft touch.
A smile that dances across your face;
The one who will always love you so much,
And the one who can make your heart race.
Waiting everyday with arms wide open
And bright rays that shine to open your soul.
Waking up early with joy and great hope;
Having the feeling of finally whole.

Together always for eternity;
Letting forever write our legacy.

The author's comments:

I want to inspire people to care for someone else other than themselves. I want to inspire people to believe in true love and that it can be found even in the midst of a tragedy.

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