Seashell Lullaby | Teen Ink

Seashell Lullaby

August 17, 2014
By MilitzaNoelle BRONZE, Toronto, Other
MilitzaNoelle BRONZE, Toronto, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a haunting quality in the voice of a seashell
A fragile wisp of serenity by the Adriatic sea
Covered by shadows of palm trees and scorching sand
A coastline telling a story of love and loss

A place to find warmth in my reverie

As the gentle murmur of laughter fades
My soul dances with wonder and lust
I relive the past and I see the future
A world locked away and unknown
In the seashell I hold whispering on and on

A tender instrument of the stars
Humming alongside the cricket’s passing tune
A breathless ballad of my indulgences
and the hush of the crashing waves sheltering secrets
the sound of caves echoing with no end

With my heavy eyelids and feather light bones
I drift onto the shore and into the moonlight glow
and the pitter patter of my heart lulls me to sleep
Whilst I fall into a dream and my mind runs away
And the seashell softly sings of time gone by

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