Poetic Relationship | Teen Ink

Poetic Relationship

April 16, 2014
By Stephen Kauffman BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Stephen Kauffman BRONZE, Harrisonburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whitman does claim that the soul,
Love best night, stars and sleep,
But mine would rather wander,
To thoughts far less deep,
So instead I’ll simply contemplate,
What small words I can use,
To complete this poem in utter haste,
I have very little time to lose,
I’d rather move on to other things,
Like my TV screen,
It seems that poetry and me,
Just weren't meant to be.
Indeed I lack poetic talent,
I think it is quite clear,
But I will keep on typing,
Till success is finally here,

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