To Catch the Stars | Teen Ink

To Catch the Stars

February 26, 2014
By rdarkpebble BRONZE, West Branch, Iowa
rdarkpebble BRONZE, West Branch, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We live like moths, fluttering ever towards the light. But there are lessons in darkness, too, those which give us wings. -A.H.

Ah! My Love! How deft your fingers weave
The tapestry that holds our lives within
The colored threads and patterns quick conceived
Sweet fables bright and beautiful they spin

Your words from lips so red the roses weep
Form sentiments as sweet as your mood fair
Across your lovely face the smiles creep
As bright as sunlight on your shiny hair

Outside the wind doth howl and chill seeps in
With you, my love, my heart stays safe and warm
The sparks that jump when we touch skin to skin
Keep warmth close by and ward away the storm

Though troubles fill up all the world's space
You shield me from its problems and its pain
My demons haunting me from place to place
Are banished every time I say your name

Even when we part my good mood stays
Your mere thought brings warm smiles to my lips
You fill my mind all hours of the day
I utter your sweet praises in my scripts

For you, my love, there's nothing I won't do
I'd catch the stars if only you'd stay true

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