Beauty of Nature Sonnet | Teen Ink

Beauty of Nature Sonnet

May 21, 2012
By joshuac16 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
joshuac16 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dirt between our feet that is brown.
We feel it every day, a great beauty.
Man built upon the surface of the ground,
Blessed with your bountiful fruit of mercy.
Still there even after the beating-rough,
A mentor for the powerful and strong.
Nature has always been so great and tough.
Always provide no matter right or wrong.
From past memories as proof of your old.
Humans take you for granted all the time
Your power so mighty and ever bold,
The dirt that comprises is so sublime.
Cleansed with a vigorous wind that was blown,
Everything lost that was lovingly grown.

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