Physicists in the Outfield | Teen Ink

Physicists in the Outfield

May 16, 2012
By Reid Perkinson BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
Reid Perkinson BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Impulse signals the batter’s collision with the mechanic rich ball
It starts towards the peak of vertical height.
Velocity builds and potential is in the fall.
The open mind of a distant athlete is in its sight.
As momentum begins to fade, apprehension arises
Displacement is critical for the young man
Not certain of Earth’s supply of surprises;
Those that resist counteracting forces as much as they can.
Every second constriction on the object grows
Gravity’s suction grabs it closer to the approaching ground
Where the catcher’s mind resides in a kinematical doze,
Not until after the ball converges his engaged skull with a pound.
The laws behind nature will infinitely be in a sprawl
That is why physicists should never play baseball.

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