Summer 2011 | Teen Ink

Summer 2011

May 16, 2012
By dxnydancer7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
dxnydancer7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Elegant, rolling steam
It was like the mushroom from an atomic boom
Hot water from the hot tube
Surface almost all bubbles
It was as synchronized as a kick line
When everyone kicks at the same time

Birds whispering
The sound of silent voices around me
Lightly chirping
Chirp, chirping away all throughout my yard
Birds chirping
Sounded like a choir that sings
In a church

A fresh cooking meal
Mighty, majestic, miracle
Mouth of the flam from the grill
Burgers oozed with juice
Burgers oozed like a waterfall
Cooked so elegantly
It made me so hungry my stomach screamed.

Sweet, sweet taste
All mighty Pepsi
Ran down my throat
As fast as a race horse
Full of flavor and flare
Pepsi tasted so good
I was drinking a drink from heaven

Aching stomach filling
I was eating away
Fresh food cooking for dinner
With my family
The food was talking to me
Telling me to keep eating, and so I did.

“Can’t this summer keep lasting
Filling with all its treats every year.”
“This food is delicious.”
This summer was just like
Going to a park
It was so much fun.

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