A Summer Day | Teen Ink

A Summer Day

May 10, 2012
By leah burgess BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
leah burgess BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun glistens on the grass everyday.
My face gets sun burnt every other week
The best time to tan is the month of May
When I use sunscreen it leaves a big streak.

When I go to the beach I get so sick
Sun poison always makes me so drowsy.
Sometimes it feels like I’m throwing up bricks
My sister makes me feel very lousy

When the sun comes up the sun block comes on
My sickness will go away soon enough
Maybe one day we will go to the pond
This sickness rewards me with a cream puff

The beach can be horrid but I don’t care
But the waves can always be a big scare.

The author's comments:
One thing that inspired me to wrie this piece was the beautiful sun.

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