2 Dogs For You? | Teen Ink

2 Dogs For You?

April 23, 2012
By senior2012 BRONZE, Paxton, Illinois
senior2012 BRONZE, Paxton, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a fact 2 dogs are more fun
they roll around in the grass and play
sometimes a ball’s involved and they run
it happens almost everyday.

So is it work, like Lyndzie said
more walks, more food and more trips to the vet.
A search for a sitter or stay home instead
well all this is true, I’ll have no regret!

They cuddle close and lick my face
they fill the house with so much joy
they make home time at such a pace
that they are better then the perfect toy!

I did not know all this is all so true
that's why I recommend 2 dogs for you!

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