Love Coma | Teen Ink

Love Coma

March 21, 2012
By Trong Duc Bui BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Trong Duc Bui BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did god create you from the cosmic dust?
Your gaze is a poison, your smile a sin,
Your silhouette, a creation of lust.
But the crucial things are under your skin.
I have ventured to fantasize with you,
But your appearance maintains me awake.
I’m a lost ship and you came to rescue,
Waiting you, I wreck in the same mistake.
You are the source of my inspiration.
This is the sonnet that I never wrote,
I want you to know, you are the reason,
Reason of why I am your anecdote.
These words are a written taste of my love,
And you’re the drug I’ll never escape of.

The author's comments:
Love is a magical feeling, experienced when we find the right person, that is almost impossible to put in words. I think this is a poem that we could dedicate to that especial person, found during our life journey.

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