That Crazy Thing Called... A Love Poem | Teen Ink

That Crazy Thing Called... A Love Poem

February 29, 2012
By AmazingCowLover BRONZE, Indian River, Michigan
AmazingCowLover BRONZE, Indian River, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You shimmer and shine with the slightest light

Sparkling and tinkling like wind chimes in a sunny, breezy summer day

I cannot see in the dark, but when you are exposed to light, my pathway is shone bright

Finding someone like you is like trying to find a half a needle in gigantic stacks of hay

The way you move amazes me so

So smooth and quick like a tube behind a yacht

How, I wonder, do you never slow?

You seem immortal, like nothing will kill you, not even a shot

You are the only one for me

I wish to never be apart from your glorious, amazing, handsome face

My love for you was stronger than a bee loves barfing up honey

It was your time, to go and be free, to finish that race. The race of life. Yes, that race

Although you’ve been in my freezer for over three years

This bondage will continue with my tears

The author's comments:
I had to write a sonnet for school so I decided I would write about my dead fish, just for the heck of it.

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