is this love | Teen Ink

is this love

March 22, 2012
By jcsacerio BRONZE, Miami, Florida
jcsacerio BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love has many faces they are a guise

Is it a lie that my love is for you

If love is real I can’t believe my eyes

All I wonder is if you love me to

And in the times of all indecision

I must stand and make my own choices

Every night I see a crazy vision

It’s just you face and all your voices

I am caught in the middle of the fight

I am always feeling restless at times

I am wondering if this is right

Is it true that your heart is all mines

In the end I know why I came

To find out that there is no love in shame

The author's comments:
hello i would like to submit a sonnet i wrote for my english class. my name juancarlos sacerio im in nineth grade and attend southwest senior high. this poem was inspired by the growing rate of divorced families in america. most kids dont understand what true love is and shy away from it. this poem is about about a boy infatuated with a girl and doesnt understand it.

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