My Favorite City | Teen Ink

My Favorite City

March 22, 2012
By Sentinal BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Sentinal BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tall buildings that touch and meet the sky
Its harsh, strong winds that push me down the street
Heights that can’t be seen with the naked eye
Distances that will bring pain to thy feet
A population greater than the world
Structures that bring shame to all its allies
Mechanics that leave china in a swirl
Stunning views more breathtaking than a sunrise
Winters that will freeze the devil himself
From its ashes it rose to greater heights
Reaching a new peak and not made an elf
At night it shines bright with luminous lights
I thank thy great city for showing me
Such marvel and beauty that all should see

The author's comments:
I made this to show my love for the city of Chicago

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