Blinded | Teen Ink


March 8, 2012
By L.Rebekah BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
L.Rebekah BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The devil’s flower is such a beauty.
Oh how one can be so blind to a sight?
The snake maybe devil has bitten me.
Little but surely I would feel the bite.
The cold soul cuts like a new killer’s knife.
The thought convinces me I am so wrong,
Little did I know that’s his lovely wife.
For she was the one that I loved so long.
For I watched her like a hawk and its prey,
Could not figure it out, how could they hate?
Little did I know that I’d see this day.
Found out why beauties have beasts as a mate.
How could this seem so pleasing to the eyes?
It’s not real, beauty, it was all a lie.

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