Stories | Teen Ink


March 1, 2012
By mxinae BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
mxinae BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flipping through the pages, I see new things-
Letting the words drive me to mystery.
Never really knowing what each page brings,
Unless, of course, it be a mystery.

Fantasy, Science Fiction, bring them on,
Every genre is meritorious.
There are rarely stories that make me yawn,
Each one is always just as glorious!

I end up sitting by the fireplace,
Enveloped in tragedy and romance.
Just imagining young Romeo's face,
When love was found in an "unwaking" trance.

Relieving me from life's worries and stress,
Every story never fails to impress.

The author's comments:
When my teacher asked us to write a quick sonnet on something we love, I thought of my love for stories, literature, and all things related to the art of writing.

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