"Livng" Never Ends | Teen Ink

"Livng" Never Ends

March 6, 2012
By Jomama BRONZE, Sayreville, New Jersey
Jomama BRONZE, Sayreville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Even though life ends,
Its OK to pretend,
We may be filled with dread,
We must be happy for the deceased instead,
They're gone to a better place,
Now resolution we must chase,
Find happiness in the world around
Try to stay safe and sound,
We all must live and die,
And never say oh my,
We must accept our fate,
And later visit those pearly gates,
Learn all we can and pass down love,
With the next generation the symbol for peace is a dove.

The author's comments:
Its a response to a different poem about the sadness of death and how it all ends. This is what I believe to be the brighter side of death or the brighter side of new life.

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