Kansas City Chiefs | Teen Ink

Kansas City Chiefs

February 14, 2012
By ChrisGraves27 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
ChrisGraves27 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kansas City Chiefs are a football team.
They are, in my mind, the best in the league.
Each week, their head coach comes up with a scheme.
With hard work, they never suffer fatigue.
In week fourteen, they had to play Green Bay.
Green Bay was undefeated on the year.
Most didn't give the Chiefs a chance that day.
They won making Packers fans shed a tear.
Arrowhead was rocking with screaming fans.
The Chiefs defense got to the quarterback.
The offense had scored fulfilling their plans.
This game delivered the Packers payback.
The Chiefs were the better team on the field.
A game plan to beat Green Bay was revealed.

The author's comments:
I Love the Kansas City Chiefs !

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