Stick to Perfection | Teen Ink

Stick to Perfection

January 12, 2012
By Anonymous

And I know I have the ability,
Now focus on my form, it may get hard,
And I hope I have the agility,
All in my shiny little leotard,

Keep true to myself and follow my dream,
Swinging high and big, flying high on the bars,
Its four inches wide so stay on the beam.
Hold to that music and reach for the stars.

Remember to stick the landing on floor,
So jump and block hard, then fly off that vault,
And I won. But why stop? Keep wanting more,
Gymnastics, be perfect. There is no fault.

Try my hardest and it is all I ask,
My dream. I want to win and keep on task.

The author's comments:
I do gymnastics almost everyday and it is easy to wriet about. I tried to put my poem into iambic pentameter.

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