fear of silence | Teen Ink

fear of silence

December 7, 2011
By KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Only if you knew how I feel inside,
And confusing rules left to be obeyed,
Keeping my emotions tamed I must hide,
From the evil and sadness life once made,
Only by choice would I ever just go,
Where silence has no charge if I find luck,
Not knowing where to end up or how low,
Wondering alone believing I'm stuck.
As confusion and depression arise,
Everything so calm the silence is heard,
And tears begin to fill my worried eyes.
While I wild without saying a word,
And I’m loosing my mind with every tear,
Knowing that silence is all that I fear.

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